Friday, December 31, 2010


Didn't catch a ton of films this year - mostly here and there at festivals, some in Taiwanese theatres, and a few back in the States. Here were my favorite ones.

In no particular order:

Last Train Home
Lixin Fan's documentary about a migrant worker family in China is not just visually amazing, but heartbreaking. I could watch his shots of people looking out of train windows all day...

Margot at the Wedding made me feel miserable. Greenberg also made me feel miserable, but by the end somehow I was feeling warm and fuzzy. Greta Gerwig is awesome. I had to wikipedia mumblecore to find out what it was.

Toy Story 3
Pure storytelling. I love the Totoro.

True Grit
For the opening shot alone.

Bi, Don't Be Afraid
A Vietnamese film I saw in Toronto - I will never think of ice the same way again.

Social Network
Way more entertaining than it has a right to be. Can you believe this was shot on a Red camera?

Winter's Bone
Such a great sense of place and an amazing accomplishment acheived with so little. Debra Granik is a badass.

The Fourth Portrait
The best Taiwanese film this year. The cinematography (shot by the director!) is ridiculous.